
Fate/Stay Night 第16話「誓約的勝利之劍」

Posted on April 23, 2006


這星期忙到吃不消,沒有時間追看星期中間播放的動畫,一直等到今晚晚飯後才一口氣看回。當然,也少不了每星期六的重點 - 看 Fate/Stay Night ~ (woo..看來部份 blog 友已等不到在 15 話留言了,hehe)


第 16 話,又再聽到きらめく涙は星に ~ (還是較喜歡 disillusion)

今話,應該差不多是將士郎與 Saber 路線的重點引述出來了吧。士郎雖然是一位只懂創造魔法的魔術師,但反過來,能夠利用想像就能投影出模擬真實的物件,變出世上最強的事物..如此的力量,可以用一個港式詞語形容 - 『屈機』

原來 Berserker 並不是一個只懂大叫的怪物,也會說話 (嘻..),不過士郎與 Saber 那合體技 (機戰術語),可以一次將 Berserker 殺七次..感覺上又好像有點硬來及冇必要..那如果是打中普通人會怎樣?hehe

~ 有點想知道伊莉雅路線的故事,如何與 Berserker 相遇

~ 今話的 Saber 不只更多臉紅感到不好意思情況,更開始吃醋了呢,哈哈

~ 家中多了個伊莉雅..那老虎會怎樣!

~ 士郎又開始自然地使出 Master 的無法無天

* 劇情詳細記錄: *

估計錯誤的偷襲,令自己落入 Berserker 手中,凛的情況非常危急。

Saber 雖然作出最後的抵制希望救出她來,但都是無功而還。以現在 Saber 的狀態發出的攻擊根本就對 Berserker 的身體起不了大作用。

為著可以救回凛,扭轉形勢,士郎回想起 Archer 的忠告。在他腦海中,想像到的就是要能夠擊倒敵人的劍 ~

士郎,想著 Saber 的黃金寶劍..想起結合,想像形狀,一步又一步,最後,劍影慢慢的形成..

這刻,Berserker 的攻擊已到。情急之下,士郎使用這把初次完成的投影武器抵擋他的攻擊,將 Berserker 的左手斬了下來 !

雖然有了一把模仿的最強之劍,但操縱能力及技巧上的不足令到士郎根本不能發揮 ~ 故此,Saber 決定幫功士郎,借士郎的手及自己的力量去發揮士郎這把寶劍! (反過來說..是土郎幫了她 summon 出把寶劍使用)

順利地將 Berserker 擊倒..

而且..這一攻擊更是一次性殺掉 Berserker 七次命..(我想我沒有會錯意吧..)

Saber:『這是 Caliburn 選定國王的石中劍,也是我永遠失去了的劍』


現在已經變成小女孩的 Saber,更開始出現吃醋的情況..哈

Servant 並不會做夢..但他們所看到的,是 Master 的夢及其過去..



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  1. /nods


  2. don’t worry…翼2 will out at 29~.~
    i am hoping…

  3. 無線剛播完「翼」….

  4. to joe1989a

    your 文獻記載, not totally true

    Extracted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caliburn

    In surviving accounts of Arthur, there are two originally separate legends about the sword’s origin. The first is the “Sword in the Stone” legend, first appearing in Robert de Boron’s poem Merlin, in which Excalibur can only be drawn from the stone by Arthur, the rightful king. The second version is found in the later Post-Vulgate Suite du Merlin and was taken up by Sir Thomas Malory. Here, Arthur receives Excalibur from the Lady of the Lake after breaking his first sword in a fight with King Pellinore. The Lady of the Lake calls the sword “Excalibur, that is as to say as Cut-steel.” As he lies dying, he tells a reluctant Sir Bedivere (Sir Griflet in some versions) to return the sword to the Lake by throwing it back in. Bedevere twice pretends to do this and lies to Arthur, who scolds him harsely, where on the third time he throws the sword in. Just before the sword hits the water’s surface, a hand, that of the Lady, reaches up and grasps the swords, pulling it down under. Because Bedevere did not know this would happen as he returned the sword, he virtually set himself up to fail his king. Bedevere thought that the sword was too beautiful to throw into the water, and also, after Arthur was dead, the sword would be seen as a holy relic, thus it should be saved. Arthur then left on a death barge with the three queens, where as his legend says, he would one day return to save England from an end.

    Malory records both versions of the legend in his Le Morte d’Arthur, and confusingly calls both swords Excalibur. The film Excalibur attempts to rectify this by having the Lady of the Lake only repair the sword after it is broken.

    Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain is the first non-Welsh source to speak of the sword. Geoffrey says the sword was forged in Avalon and Latinizes the name “Caledfwlch” to Caliburn or Caliburnus. Continental writers altered the name further — first to Escalibor, then to Excalibur — when his influential pseudo-history made it to Continental Europe. The legend was expanded upon in the Vulgate Cycle (c. 1230–1250), also known as the Lancelot-Grail Cycle, and in the Post-Vulgate Cycle which emerged in its wake. Both included the work known as the Prose Merlin, but the Post-Vulgate authors left out the Merlin Continuation from the earlier cycle, choosing to add an original account of Arthur’s early days including a new origin for Excalibur.

  5. TO:mt



  6. 沒玩過遊戲好像挺痲煩..很多不懂哦..好像為什么Saber會說:『這是 Caliburn 選定國王的石中劍,也是我永遠失去了的劍』…為什么士朗召喚齣Saber是必然的….好像伊莉雅也有很多過去哦…全部都好想知道..

  7. 上邊點解冇post到saber出浴照既??


  8. /giggles

  9. 哈哈,怎么没有点评“第二次浴室相会”镜头啊?



  10. 這集這劍名都搞錯了….Caliburn應是「勝利黃金之劍」,Excalibur才是「誓約勝利之劍」…..

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